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Packaging design | Illustration

With our degree nearly over and Adland calling I and my creative partner Jacob Gill needed book crits.


So, we decided to wrap our portfolio around a bar of chocolate, brand it Hungry (after ourselves), and then hand-deliver packs to a smattering of London agencies.


This was my first foray into packaging design and actually getting it printed. I sharpened my InDesign skills and included all the necessary information in a fairly small space while still maintaining a clean look.

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We tried a few chocolates as prototypes, breaking a LOT of KitKats in the process. We settled on the larger Milka bars and vegan Nomos. Then, we became experts at wrapping and really fast runners from one book crit to another in London.

We're not sure if it was the chocolates or ourselves that really influenced their decision, but we did secure our first placement in one of our drop-off agencies!

© 2024 by Eva Bud.

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